DIY Holiday Gift Wrapping

DIY Holiday Gift Wrapping

Just in time for the holidays, I wanted to share a simple way to wrap gifts that is big on style and low on effort. While wrapping paper is everyone's go-to choice, I like using kraft paper or cloth. Inspired by the Japanese traditional wrapping cloth used to carry gifts -- furoshiki -- using fabric is both beautiful in its simplicity and earth friendly in its reusability.  

I love using these basic, cotton flour sack towels that I use in my kitchen. These cream and green striped towels are also festive. Pretty scarves work equally well. Add a bundle of greenery or a fun ornament like these from Meri Meri and you're set. Below are the simple instructions on how to wrap with cloth. I hope you can use the idea this holiday season and beyond! 

P.S. Looking for special gifts for the kiddos on your list? Check out our holiday gift sets and stocking stuffers.  

gift wrapping supplies and mistletoe branch   furoshiki fabric wrapped gifts with ornaments 


Lay out a flour sack towel or scarf just like you would with wrapping paper. Place your gift, in a box, at a diagonal in the middle of the fabric (instead of square in line with the fabric). 

Pull two side corners over the gift to cover. Pull the opposite two sides up and tie them into a knot. Depending on the size of your fabric, double tie the knot. After you tie your knot you can tuck in any extra fabric or bumps. 

Finish off your gift by tucking a small bundle of greenery (real or faux) or an ornament under the knot.

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